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From the MCRFB NEWS archive: 1959






Capitol jazz artist Nat King Cole with Detroit radio personality Ed McKenzie on WXYZ radio, earlier in 1954. (Click image for larger view).
Capitol jazz artist Nat King Cole with Detroit radio personality Ed McKenzie on WXYZ radio, earlier in 1954. (Click image for larger view)

DETROIT — Veteran deejay Ed McKenzie resigned from station WXYZ here last week in protest of the station’s “formula radio” programming policy.

Rallying to his side was his long-time competitor and another Detroit veteran spinner, Robin Seymour, of WKMH, who came out strongly last week for McKenzie and against “formula radio.” Seymour stated that, “It’s a crime and a shame when one of the true deejays – one of the men who made the jockey a major factor in broadcasting – has to bow to the dictates of a program director.”

Although Seymour and McKenzie – two of Detroit’s key deejays – have vied for audience ratings for the past eleven years (they occupied the same afternoon time slot) Seymour said they remained friends – their friendship dating back to the time McKenzie gave Seymour his first radio job at WJBK here.

Seymour had asked McKenzie to appear on his WKMH show to discuss the whole formula radio situation and his reasons for leaving WXYZ. Seymour said they will explore the jockey’s need for freedom of programming and will discuss further on whether the advent of “formula radio” has anything to do with the fact that no new name deejay (other than Dick Clark) has come up from the ranks in recent years.

WKMH deejay Robin Seymour
WKMH deejay Robin Seymour

Seymour said his station, WKMH, is now the only major Detroit station operating on a non-formula programming policy. The outlet did adopt a non-rock and roll format last year, but Seymour said the management dropped the policy last January, and put record programming back in the deejay’s hands. As a result, the jock said WKMH’s ratings are already showing a small rating climb – the first rating increase for the station in some time.

The WXYZ “formula” (featuring the Top 40 singles was adopted by the station about a years ago, and WXYZ vice-president in charge of radio, Hal Neal, opined “Our interpretation of radio is that it is a step moving forward.”

WXYZ's Ed McKenzie interviews jazz great Anita O'Day on his WXYZ radio show in the mid-1950s
WXYZ’s Ed McKenzie interviews jazz great Anita O’Day on his WXYZ radio show sometime in the mid-1950s (click image for larger view)

McKenzie on the other hand expressed his opinion that this “formula” did not jibe with his interpretation of radio as “being intimate and friendly.” He stated that his ratings were dropping since the “formula” policy had gone into effect and that he would sooner “dig ditches or sell hot dogs” than go back to formula radio “because I can’t do something I don’t believe in.”

The radio station disagreed with use of McKenzie’s bird calls on the air and his “on the air” comments on office typing and the programming. The station also found themselves in disagreement with McKenzie about their new policy to boost the station on his programs, which the jockey termed “unnecessary.”

McKenzie’s 3 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. spot is being taken over by Mickey Shorr, who will have another replacement for his own Night Train program. Reportedly making between $60,000 and $80,000 a year in his 29th year with radio, McKenzie was Jack The Bellboy at WJBK before he changed to WXYZ radio in 1952. END


(Information and news source: Billboard; March 16, 1959)

WXYZ's Ed McKenzie with his friend, WKMH's Robin Seymour in the late 1950s.
WXYZ’s Ed McKenzie with his friend, WKMH’s Robin Seymour in the late 1950s.



Motor City Radio Flashbacks logoFrom the MCRFB news archive: 1968

Music Happenings In and Around Detroit Town, 1968






The Jimi Hendrix Experience performing live on stage at the Masonic Auditorium in Detroit on February 23, 1968. (Click image for larger view).
A WKNR presentation: The Jimi Hendrix Experience, photographed here performing live on stage at the Masonic Auditorium in Detroit on February 23, 1968. Jimi Hendrix dons the hat and white guitar. (Click image for larger view).

DETROIT — The Jimi Hendrix Experience performed at the Masonic Auditorium, Friday, February 23. The show presentation event was sponsored by WKNR “Keener 13” . . .  Ernie Durham, WJLB disk jockey who has for years hosted a Sunday night record hop at the 20 Grand for those 17 and over, will begin a weekly Friday night hop at the club for teenagers 14 to 17. In addition to presenting popular recording acts, Durham also plans to sponsor talent shows on those evenings. . . .  Sylvia Burton Christopher, originator of Arthur, the popular discotheque in New York City, is opening a similar establishment here called the Woodward Street Car. . . .  The Four Seasons performed a Detroit concert Friday, February 23. . . .  Sammy Davis, Jr., will entertain at the annual Fight For Freedom dinner to be held at Cobo Hall, April 28. Cleveland’s Mayor Carl Stokes will be the principal speaker at that affair. . . .  Marian Anderson performed at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s last Kresge Concert at the Ford Auditorium, Tuesday, February 13. . . .  Count Basie, Mariam Makeba, Wes Montgomery and the Jimmy Smith Trio, the Oscar Peterson Trio, and social comedian Richard Pryor performed together for a one-night jazz concert at Cobo Arena, Friday, February 23. . . .  Diana Ross and the Supremes are doing one-nighters across the northern United States, including college campuses. . . .  The Temptations, Stevie Wonder and Martha Reeves and the Vandellas left town recently to participate in the Motortown Revue Japanese Festival which will tour Japan for one month. The artists have been scheduled for TV appearances, concerts, and will entertain U.S. troops stationed in areas in and around Japan. . . .  The Pop Concert Committee of Wayne State University has scheduled its first pop concert for Friday, March 22, at the Ford Auditorium. Dionne Warwick has been chosen to headline the concert, along with other acts still to be determined. . . .  Robbie Dee, disk jockey on WCHB, has been promoted to production manager at that station. . . .  Hello People are booked into the Chessmate for one week, beginning March 12. . . .  Leon Issac is the new early afternoon disk jockey for WJLB. . . . Currently in progress is the Memphis Sounds Show at the Riviera Theater through Thursday, March 29. Among the artists on that show are J. J. Barnes, Pat Lewis, the Holidays, Eddie Floyd, Pig Meat Markham, Ruby Andrews and Barbara Mercer. END.

 (Information and news source: Billboard; March 2, 1968).



WXYZ-AM 1270 Air Personality Danny Taylor from 1965 (Press Photo)
WXYZ-AM 1270 Top 40 personality Danny Taylor in a press photograph from 1965.

WXYZ-AM Radio 1270 Danny Taylor 1966

We recently found this photograph of Danny Taylor. It was listed for auction on eBay (2012).

Lee Alan, WXYZ great and former program director at WXYZ-AM 1270 in 1966, recently wrote comments on Motor City Radio Flashbacks in regards to his friend and former WXYZ radio personality Danny Taylor:

“The big mystery here is: Whatever happened to Danny Taylor (not his real name)? We have all been searching for him for years. If anyone knows his name or anything of his whereabouts we would appreciate a heads up.

Danny was a great voice and talent. So great in fact that his was the voice on all the WXYZ – “Personality-Plus” IDs and intros in the mid 1960s.”


By the way, anyone who could provide information on Danny Taylor, or of his whereabouts today, let us know on MCRFB.COM or contact Anyone who has any airchecks you are willing to share of Danny Taylor, and anybody else who was on WXYZ-AM from the 1960s, contact:



“The big mystery here is: Whatever happened to Danny Taylor (not his real name)? — Lee Alan (January 24, 2014)

Motor City Radio Flashbacks received information (10:08 p.m.; May 09, 2014) regarding WXYZ radio personality Danny Taylor. You may view Neal Tenhulzen’s comments here.

Lee Alan, if you wish to contact Mr. Tenhulzen further regarding Danny Taylor, let us know. We can provide you a contact email address. MCRFB.COM (May 10, 2014).

ADDENDUM: 1/30/2013: Special THANKS once again to our friend Jim Heddle from Arizona for sharing with us this *rare* Danny Taylor aircheck audio clip!
