50TH! TALKIN’ ‘BOUT MY GENERATION: TOP HITS OF ’69! THE ILLUSION “Did You See Her Eyes” was playing the Billboard Pop Singles chart and Detroit Top 40 radio on this date. 50 years ago. July 1969 https://usaradiomuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/The-Illusion-Did-You-See-Her-Eyes.mp3
50TH! TALKIN’ ‘BOUT MY GENERATION: TOP HITS OF ’69! THE BOX TOPS “Soul Deep” was playing the Billboard Pop Singles chart and Detroit Top 40 radio on this date. 50 years ago. July 1969 https://usaradiomuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Box-Tops-Soul-Deep.mp3
50TH! TALKIN’ ‘BOUT MY GENERATION: TOP HITS OF ’69! THE GRASS ROOTS “I’d Wait A Million Years” was playing the Billboard Pop Singles chart and Detroit Top 40 radio on this date. 50 years ago. July 1969 https://usaradiomuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Grass-Roots-Id-Wait-A-Million-Years.mp3
50TH! TALKIN’ ‘BOUT MY GENERATION: TOP HITS OF ’69! KENNY ROGERS & THE FIRST EDITION “Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love To Town” was playing the Billboard Pop Singles chart and Detroit Top 40 radio on this date. 50 years ago. July 1969 https://usaradiomuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Kenny-Rogers-First-Edition-Ruby-Dont-Take-Your-Love-To-Town.mp3