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WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 01 * Donovan * WXYZ (8/08/66)


 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 11 * Tommy McLain * WXYZ (8/08/66)
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 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 12 * The Sidekicks * WXYZ (8/08/66)
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 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 14 * Terry Knight & The Pack * WXYZ (8/08/66)
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 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 15 * Roscoe Robinson * WXYZ (8/08/66)
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 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 19 * Barbara Lewis * WXYZ (8/08/66)

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 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 24 * Chris Montez * WXYZ (8/08/66)


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 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 25 * The Cyrkle * WXYZ (8/08/66)
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 WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 33 * Question Mark & The Mysterians * WXYZ (8/08/66)

A MCRFB viewing tip: On your PC? For a larger detailed view click above image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.

Click your server’s back button to return to MCRFB.COM home page.

On your mobile device? Tap on image. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.

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Motor City Radio Flashbacks logoFrom the MCRFB news archives: 1959

LIFE MAGAZINE (November 23, 1959)






” . . . . clear evidence of disk jockey bribery crops up.”

Edmond T. McKenzie, has worked in broadcasting in Detroit since 1937. His career, income and popularity had gone steadily upward until he quit bigtime radio in disgust some eight months ago. Here he tells what made him want to leave.



Eight months ago I quit a $60,000-a-year disk jockey job on Detroit radio station WXYZ. I could not stand present-day “formula radio(See MCRFB: ‘Veteran DJ Ed McKenzie Quits On WXYZ’ March 16, 1959— its bad music, its incessant commercials in bad taste, its subservient to ratings and its pressure of payola. Because of the charts that are put together by numbers of music trade publications (Billboard; Cashbox) that rate the popularity of records, I had to play music on my program that I would never have played otherwise. And the charts are phony because of the most disgusting part of the radio industry — payola.

Ed McKenzie (Press photo; 1959)
Ed McKenzie (Press photo; 1959)

Payola really got started about 10 years ago. Until then the record business was controlled by the big companies by Decca, Columbia, RCA-Victor and Capitol. When the obscure little record companies started up and begin turning out offbeat records by unknown artists, they looked for a way to get their product distributed and played. The answer was payola: offering disk jockeys cash to play records they wouldn’t ordinarily play.

I never took payola because it was completely dishonest, but I was often approached by small companies who were having a tough time getting their stuff on the air. They would say, “Well, how much do you want to ride this record for the next three weeks?” They might offer $100 for a one week ride, which would have meant playing the record several times a day to make it popular.

Many disk jockeys are on the weekly payroll of five to ten record companies, which can mean a side income of $25,000 to $50,000 a year. The payment is by cash in an envelope. Phil Chess, co-owner of Chess, Checker and Argo Records, told me that when he called on certain disk jockeys to promote his records, the first question some jocks would ask was, “How many dead presidents are there for me?” Dead presidents means the president on bills. A $20 bill is a “Jackson.”

LIFE November 23, 1959
LIFE November 23, 1959

The small companies know that if it can score in a key record-selling city — Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland or Pittsburgh — it will score nationally. If an unknown artist on an obscure label makes some noise in one of these cities, the record sales are promptly published in the trade papers — Billboard, Cashbox, Variety. Other jockeys around the country sees these listings, and a chain-reaction is set off. The offbeat record becomes a money-making hit, all through payola.

Another way to rig the key cities is to fix the bestseller charts. I know many record production men who takes out a girl who works on the local chart. They give her a big time, wine her and dine her, buy her gifts, become very friendly. Then they get her to list their record, even if it isn’t a best seller.

It’s even worse in the big-time. Many music publishers tell me that to get a song played on one popular teenage program, they have to give the star 50% of the song. He wants either half the song or a half-interest in the recording artist before he will put it on his program. He rejects many songs because he can’t get a piece of the record.

Ed McKenzie, formerly "Jack The Bellboy" on WJBK, Detroit, early-1950s.
Ed McKenzie, formerly “Jack The Bellboy” on WJBK, Detroit, early-1950s. McKenzie’s famed “Jack The Bellboy” moniker he used while on WJBK was retained legal ownership of the the Storer-owned station, immediately after McKenzie left WJBK for WXYZ, early-1950s.

“Slicing up an artist” in this way oftens involve a jockey. A few years ago we had a case like this in Detroit when a New York song plugger, a nightclub owner and a local disk jockey sliced up Johnny Ray early in his career. They pushed and plugged him in Detroit until he became popular, but they never got their cut of Ray subsequent bug earnings. Johnny Ray didn’t dare come back to sing in Detroit until he bought back the club owner’s share of his contract.

Payola usually begins when a song plugger or publisher comes to town and takes the jockey out for dinner. The sky’s the limit on entertainment — drinks, girls, everything. There is always a big follow-up at Christmas. They flood you with liquor, TV sets, hi-fi sets, expensive luggage, big baskets of food, expensive watches, silk shirts, imported sweaters. The flow doesn’t stop after the holiday season. A record plugger once offered to install a bar in my basement. When one Detroit jock moved into a new home, his property was landscaped with hundreds of dollars worth evergreens and flowering shrubs and trees.

Once when I had tried to squelch a song plugger who was after me to play a certain tune, he mailed me a $100 government bond in my name. I was the only person who could cash it. I did cash it for $75, added $25 of my own in interest and mailed a $100 check to Leader Dog for the Blind. I mailed the donation receipt to the song plugger and said, “This is where your money went.” I never played his record.

Radio station managers are aware of all the bad practices of payola, but I guess they take the attitude that “the kid isn’t making much salary here, so if he can make a little on the side, God bless him.”

Bad as payola is, it isn’t the only thing an honest disk jockey has to fight. Between each record you are required to give two, three or four commercials. Even though I was paid a commission for each commercial I gave at WXYZ it bothered my conscience terribly. I knew that I was driving any intelligent listener away from radio with this drivel.

How could anyone bear to listen to this sort of thing? One answer was given by Leonard Goldenson, president of American Broadcasting-Paramount Theaters. He said the ABC network was after one listener, the housewife just out of her teens. That is why you hear this so-called teenaged rock ‘n’ roll junk.

All of this — payola, ratings, the bad ratings, the obnoxious commercials — was far more than I could take, so last spring I quit formula radio. I have since joined a group of other radio mavericks at WQTE, a small daytime station station between Detroit – Monroe. On this station I feel like I can honestly entertain people without the excessive commercialism, and I don’t have to play any music unless I think it’s good. The station is only 500 watts — but it’s honest. END

New York City’s WILLIAM B. WILLIAMS sitting amid the 8,000 plus-records a radio disk jockey receives each year from record companies. (LIFE photo; November 23, 1959).

(Information and news source: LIFE; November 23, 1959).




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WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 01 * Tommy James & The Shondells * WXYZ (6/27/66)


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WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 04 * Bobby Hebb * WXYZ (6/27/66)


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WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 05 * Standells * WXYZ (6/27/66)


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WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 07 * Cyrkle * WXYZ (6/27/66)


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WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 14 * Darrell Banks * WXYZ (6/27/66)

 A MCRFB VIEWING TIP: To fully appreciate this WXYZ RADIO 1270 June 27, 1966 chart feature click on image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.

(Click your server’s back button to return to MCRFB home page).

MCRFB has every song selection on this WXYZ playlist archived in it’s music library. All SIX featured song titles randomly were selected for your listening enjoyment here.

WXYZ 147 (MCRFB Bottom Tag 2.)



WXYZ CHANNEL 7 IN DETROIT: Joel Sebastian, Connie Van Dyke (Better Made Potato Chips Show Sponsor) with Lee Alan on the CLUB 1270 set, 1963. (Photo courtesy of Lee Alan. Property of Lee Alan. Used previously by permission).
WXYZ CHANNEL 7 IN DETROIT: Joel Sebastian, Connie Van Dyke (the Better Made Potato Chips sponsor rep) with Lee Alan on the CLUB 1270 set, 1963. Deejay on WXYZ radio at the time, Joel and Lee (both until 1964) hosted the Detroit Channel 7 teen dance show which aired from 1962-1965. (Photo courtesy of Lee Alan. Property of Lee Alan. Used previously by permission).
VARSITY DRAG” * Les Elgart  * WXYZ CLUB 1270 Show Theme (ABC-TV Detroit) ’63





MCRFB JINGLES Archive: WXYZ-AM 1270 * “It’s A Good, Good Life!”  * 1969 – 1970

(Special thanks to Fred Vobbe of Lima, Ohio, for sharing! From the Frederick Vobbe Collection).




WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 10 * Gary Lewis & The Playboys * WXYZ (5/16/66)


WXYZ 1270 Survey (Header cropped)

WIXIE DETROIT SOUND No. 24 * The Walker Brothers * WXYZ (5/16/66)


WXYZ 1270 Survey (Header cropped)
SPOTLIGHT SOUND OF THE WEEK * Shadows Of Knight * WXYZ (5/16/66)



Motor City Radio Flashbacks logo (2015)From the MCRFB radio scrapbook pages: 1944

Army Air Show Sold In Detroit; One Newspaper Plus Every Detroit Radio Station Breaks Records for 20-Day Military Shindig




FLASHBACKDETROIT (July 1, 1944) — The consistent, but most important use of radio by the army was the major factor in building an all-time record attendance for the Army Air Show. Turnstile clicked 2,100,000 in the 20 days ended Sunday (June 25). Show was sponsored by The Detroit Times and received general space there, naturally, but as The Times itself commented, it was just “not publicized” by the other newspapers. Practically all credit therefore for the large attendance goes to radio.

John Payne in Army uniform, 1943.
Pvt. (film actor) John Payne in Army uniform, 1943.

The show, staged five miles from town at the municipal airport, had a mile of exhibits under tent of Detroit-made (military) war products. Covered stage at the center of midway was used for on-the-ground shows and for the series of programs aired.

The Army Air Show set a record of three shows fed to national networks, three fed to regional networks and 52 local stations shows. Originating stations for the network shows were WXYZ, feeding the Blue and the Michigan Radio Net, and, WWJ, feeding the NBC-RED.

Local stations taking the shows were WJLB, WJBK, WJR, and CKLW. One show each was also fed to WTOL, Toledo, and to WCAR and WHK, Cleveland.

How Variety Shows Pull Best

Most consistent air show were Victory Varieties, opening five days in advance of the show on WJLB and broadcast through the entire run of the show. Program was variety with patriotic angles. Features of this, as of every practically show aired, was a combination of standard radio entertainment, with the casts of the radio station making the daily trip, via police escort, to the exhibit.

Billboard, July 8, 1944
Billboard, July 8, 1944

Among guest artists were Lt. William Holden and Pvt. John Payne, Hollywood stars; “Skeets” Gallagher, Benny Baker, and Gloria Humphrey, of Good Night, Ladies; Russell Swann, noted magician, and Norman H. Birnkrant, general counsel for the National Association of Theatrical Agents.

Numerous shows were not broadcast because of lack of air time. These were broadcast over the show’s P.A. system to all tents.

Reopening of the shows, which was closed four days because of a blow-down of fourteen big tents, was plugged by 35 spot announcements over various local stations.

Top accolades for the success of the radio program go to two former radio men, Lt. Col. J. Gordon Lloyd, and Staff Sgt. Arthur Sutton, assigned to the public relations office of the Sixth Service Command, Detroit Command, Detroit office. Lloyd was formerly account executive at WJZ, Blue Network, New York. Sutton was formerly production man and continuity writer at CKLW, WXYZ and WWJ, Detroit. END


(Information and news source, The Billboard; July 8, 1944).


DETROIT (July 1, 1944) — The Army Air Show, which featured a mile of tent exhibits of war products made in Detroit, closed a twenty-day span Sunday with attendance of 2, 100,000. Admission was free, but a check was made by General Motors and Ford Motor Company, principal exhibitors.

Sunday crowd reached about 300,000, second only to the opening Sunday, June 4, when it hit about 500,000. Mid-week attendance was down.

The factor points to a moral to shows playing in Detroit for the duration at least. The Motor City has become a 100 per cent weekend town, with amusements generally starving about four days a week, followed by turn-away crowds on weekends. END

(Information and news source, The Billboard; July 8, 1944).
