“The listing of records herein is the opinion of CKLW based on its survey of record sales, correlated with listener requests.”
The featured CKLW chart was digitally restored in its entirety by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap over CKLW chart images. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.
ON YOUR PC? Click on all chart images 2x for largest print view.
A sincere thank you Mrs. Patti Griggs. This featured presentation would have not been possible without your generosity, dedication, and your continuous support.
Above CKLW music chart courtesy of Mrs. Patti Griggs and the George L. Griggs estate.
A MCRFB Note: It bears noting how influential WXYZ and their personalities were instrumental in harnessing a commanding lead with listeners through their programming on the radio dial in Detroit, by early-1962.
In this Pulse graphic, and with the exception of the 6 PM-12 midnight time slot WJBK held a 23 share during their night-time hours, WXYZ garnered a 19 and 16 share of the radio audience — prior 6 p.m. — during it’s daytime broadcasting hours.
On Saturdays, note as well, WXYZ held a commanding lead on the dial throughout their entire broadcast day in Detroit, period. Leading with a percentage indicator marked 19, 18, and 19 listener share, in their respective time-shares reflected during the hours this Pulse survey had indicated for WXYZ.
These figures are percentages indicating the relative popularity of the stations during the day, the base, total station quarter hour mentions, is the sum of the number of stations listened to during that period. This base, divided into the total mention of each station gives the figures listed above. Audiences independent or non-duplicated FM broadcasting stations are not processed in this report.
F. I. — Does not broadcast for the complete period in English. Part of time period in Foreign Language.
A special THANK YOU to Jimmy Hampton (WXYZ) for providing this site the featured Pulse Report. The survey reflects the status of Detroit radio stations and audience shares, as represented, having been surveyed for the period-ending January and February 1962.
ON YOUR PC? You can read the entire Pulse Report Jan.-Feb. 1962 — the fine print — ENLARGED. For a larger detailed view click above image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.
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Above featured article/advertisement courtesy freep.com newspaper archive. Copyright 2023. Newspapers.com
This Detroit Free Press article was digitally re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
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Many of the above titled Billboard R&B singles were the most popular radio plays heard on two Detroit soul stations 1400WJLB and 1440 WCHB on the AM dial, August 1966.
As tabulated by Billboard, the featured R&B Top 50 record singles and Top 25 LPs were the nation’s most popular and best-selling soul records and albums, for the week-ending August 13, 1966, 57 years ago.
Above Billboard R&B chart survey digitally restored and re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
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Lennon ‘Christianity’ Comments Uproars Controversy
NEW YORK — [August 13, 1966] The radio ban against playing Beatles’ records, which was begun last week by Tommy Charles and Doug Layton, WAQY, Birmingham, Ala., has spread across the country, with dozens of stations refusing to program the British group.
Cause of the controversy is a statement published in a British magazine and attributed to John Lennon. The statement follows: “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue about that: I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first, rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity. Jesus was right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary.”
At a press conference held here late Friday (August 5), Brian Epstein, Beatles’ manager, said the statement was taken out of context. Epstein explained that Lennon meant “in the last 50 years the Church of England and, therefore Christ, had suffered a decline in interest.”
While the statement, confirmed by a Beatles’ spokesman, went virtually unnoticed in England, the reaction in this country was immediate.
Greatest impact has been in the so-called “Bible Belt,” which is mainly in the Southeast. But the ban has extended to other sections of the country. New York’s WABC has reportedly put Beatles’ records on the verboten list, but, at press time, the switchboard operator at the station said that not one of the station’s staff members could be reached.
B. J. Williams, disk jockey at KSWO, Lawton, Okla., called for a “Beatles’ bonfire” and broke the Beatles’ latest record while on the air.
In Milwaukee, WOKY music director King Kbornik said he would not ban the record until he had seen Lennon’s remarks in print. The extent of the ban is not known, but a majority of the nation’s radio stations will continue to program Beatles records.
The group is scheduled to play a concert in New York’s Shea Stadium Aug. 23. A spokesman for Capitol Records, which issues Beatles’ records under its logo in the U. S., said Lennon’s remarks were “quoted cut of context and misconstrued.” END
Credit source information (as published): Billboard, August 13, 1966
DENVER — [August 12, 1967]KHOW, major Easy Listening format radio station here, is banning songs composed by the Beatles.
Hal Davis, general manager, passed down a memo last week instructing personnel “to play no compositions relating to this group. This radio station cannot condone such an attitude” — and referred to trip-taking by one in the group — “and will not give any further air play to songs with which they had any part. Please scratch all tracks on albums and dispose of all single records with music by the Beatles or any member of their group.” END
Credit source information (as published): Billboard, August 12, 1967
A MCRFB Note: In lieu of the Lennon statement and controversy, did any top 40 stations in Detroit participated in banning Beatles’ record play? We marked two references (with red arrows) in the featured Detroit Free Press column, on the right.
The above newspaper article was digitally re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
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CLUB 1270 [Show Theme] Les Elgart Orchestra VARSITY DRAG
Photo: Lesley Gore highlights guest appearance on WXYZ Club 1270. Sunday, August 18, 1963
Above featured article/advertisement courtesy freep.com newspaper archive. Copyright 2023. Newspapers.com
The above featured Detroit Free Press article was digitally re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
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MCRFB Note: Special THANKS to our friend, John Bartony (a.k.a. Jukebox John) St. Clair Shores, Michigan, for providing the above Detroit Free Press WXYZ 1270 ad (January 1963) for this site, as featured today.
A special thank you to senior MCRFB consultant/advisor Greg Innis, of Livonia, MI., for contributing the Newspapers.com archives (Detroit radio related) articles, ads, and images we have featured on this site, since 2016.
Thank you, Greg Innis, for making these historic Detroit radio features possible! ?
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ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap on newsprint image. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.
Above featured article/advertisement courtesy freep.com newspaper archive. Copyright 2023. Newspapers.com
The above featured Detroit Free Press article was digitally re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
Missed any of our previous ‘Detroit Radio Back-Pages‘ features? GO HERE
A special thank you to senior MCRFB consultant Greg Innis, of Livonia, MI., for contributing the Newspapers.com archives (Detroit radio related) articles, ads, and images we have featured on this site since 2016.
Thank you, Greg Innis, for making these historic Detroit radio features possible. ?
ON YOUR PC? You can read the entire newsprint article/ad — the fine print — ENLARGED. For a larger detailed view click above image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.
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The above WKNR chart was digitally restored by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
(Authenticated. In it’s printed originality, the correct WKNR Teal-colored lettering and bordering has been applied to this featured chart.)
ON YOUR PC? To fully appreciate this WKNR Music Guide for the week of July18, 1968 chart feature click on image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.
Click your server’s back button to return to MCRFB home page.
ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap over WKNR chart image. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.
A sincere, thank you, Mrs. Patti Griggs. This featured presentation would have not been possible without your generosity, dedication, and your continuous support.
Above WKNR music chart courtesy of Mrs. Patti Griggs and the George L. Griggs estate.
The Top 100 Hits of 1967 Countdown premiered at big8radio.com on Saturday, May 27, at 3pm EST. / Encore presentation aired Monday, May 29 at 12 Noon EST.
The featured CKLW Big 100 Hits of 1967 chart is courtesy of Charlie O’Brien, and Big 8 Radio.
For the benefit of our friends who might’ve missed the broadcast this past Memorial Day holiday weekend, the CKLW Top 100 of 1967 broadcast will be archived in our Aircheck Library and can be heard anytime — ON DEMAND — on this featured page at Motor City Radio Flashbacks.
A Big 8 Radio production. Another exclusive CKLW audio presentation. Brought to you by Big 8 Radio. ?
The above featured Detroit Free Press article was digitally re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
Missed any of our previous ‘Detroit Radio Back-Pages‘ features? GO HERE
MCRFB Note: Special THANKS to our friend, John Bartony (a.k.a. Jukebox John) St. Clair Shores, Michigan, for providing the above Detroit Free Press WXYZ 1270 ad (June 1958) for this site, as featured today.
A special thank you to senior MCRFB consultant Greg Innis, of Livonia, MI., for contributing the Newspapers.com archives (Detroit radio related) articles, ads, and images we have featured on this site since 2016.
Thank you, Greg Innis, for making these historic Detroit radio features possible. ?
ON YOUR PC? You can read this entire newsprint article/ad — the fine print — ENLARGED. For a larger detailed view click above image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.
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ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap on newsprint image. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.