NEW FOR 1960! FM CAR RADIO! A POPULAR MECHANICS Magazine ad, April, 1960. Below, a previous POPULAR MECHANICS Motorola FM Car Radio piece, February, 1960 issue. (Click on both images 2x for largest detailed view).
MCRFB NOTE: Above, a December 7, 1964 WKNR ‘PULSE’ ad which proclaimed how well WKNR knew it’s listeners outreach demographically throughout their broadcast day, here in Detroit, December, 1964.
MCRFB LINK: For an actual read of the 1965 WKNR PULSE report we have archived on Motor City Radio Flashbacks, you can find this rare Knorr/Patterson commissioned manuscript HERE.
MCRFB LINKS: For more on Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, J. P. Richardson (“Big Bopper”) previously posted on Motor City Radio Flashbacks, you may go here, here, and here.